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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              KANNO Ritsuwo                                                            

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KANNO Ritsuwo

Born: Hyogo, Japan in 1946
Medium: Color etching

Ritsuwo Kanno received a Bachelors in Fine Arts degree from the Kyoto City University of Arts. Then, after an intensive language program, he went to France in 1972 for additional studies. Under a French Government Scholarship, Kanno received a second B.F.A. at L’Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Artes de Paris. At that same time, he also attended Atelier 17--S.W. Hayter’s world-famous printmaking workshop in Paris.

Upon returning to Japan in 1974, Ritsuwo Kanno established Atelier Ohtotsu, a studio where he has worked, and also been a mentor to over one hundred other young printmakers. In addition, he has taught etching in Kobe, Osaka and Kyoto.

Kanno uses a variety of techniques in creating these unique works. The lines on the smaller pieces are very deeply etched into the plate which has been covered with a soft-ground coating. After the intaglio areas of the plate have been inked, the surface is wiped clean. Then different color inks are rolled onto this top surface of the plate. When printed, both the surface and the etched areas provide elements for the composition. The depth of etching also allows a dimensional quality to the final print, as the ink seems to rise above the paper surface.

Kanno titles his small etching pieces “Soulscape” as a reflection of his ideas about their creation. The line elements are freely drawn from his subconscious mind, without preplanning. Those he finds most effective are used in the artwork. The artist intends for the images to be seen as a reflection of his own inner soul. And in addition, the uniformity of title allows the viewer a broader latitude to see whatever they wish--dancing figures, the whirl of motion, reclining nudes, a landscape, waterfall, animals, or an image from the viewer’s own soul.

The larger works are all entitled “Traces of Nothingness.” This comes from the Buddhist idea of nothingness, or the absence of cares and worries, as being a much sought-after and ideal state of mind. Once again the artist hopes the viewer will provide his or her own meditations on the imagery. Because of the different techniques used for these pieces, the lines are softer, with more blurred edges and a quiet sense of mystery.

The Ren Brown Collection is very pleased to be the first American gallery to exhibit the unique and exciting works of Ritsuwo Kanno.


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